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Off-line Digital Test System


Main Characteristics:

1. Max. test pin number is 40
2. Max. test speed is 500KHz/Pin
3. Chinese menu, simple operation


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
IC Online/Off-line Digital Test System
Dimension and Weight
Power Supply
Main Technical Indexes

1. Test variety: TTL, CMOS, GAL, RAM, EPROM, CPU and programmable parts
2. Pins of chip tested: less than 40
3. Test speed: 500KHz/Pin
4. Max. output current: 100mA/pin
5. Test method: small scale integrated circuit (SSI) and medium scale integrated circuit (MSI) and standard base compare with large scale integrated circuit (LSI) and self-learning base
6. Provide programming language for the test set by self
7. Provide special circuit board element test library (put forward by user)
8. Display mode: graphic display (sequential waveform) and status display
9. V-I characteristic curve test

YB3117 / YB3118

Main Characteristics:

1. Max. test pin number is 100
2. Chinese Windows operating platform
3. Open self-set chip and database


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
IC Online/Off-line Digital Test System
Dimension and Weight
Power Supply
Main Technical Indexes

¡¤ Test variety: It can test TTL, CMOS, GAL, RAM, EPROM, CPU and programmable parts
¡¤ Pins of chip tested: 100 pins
¡¤ Test speed: 500KHz/Pin
¡¤ Chinese Windows operating platform
¡¤ Open self-set chip and database
¡¤ V-I characteristic curve test
¡¤ Desk-top computer (YB3117) is matched
¡¤ Desk-top computer (YB3118) is matched

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