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Semiconductor Characteristic Graphic Instrument

YB4810A / YB4811

Main Characteristics:

1. Display various characteristic curves of semiconductor device
2. Measure static parameters of semiconductor device
3. Measure limit parameters of semiconductor device
4. Bipolar transistor double-cluster display


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
Semiconductor Characteristic Graphic Instrument
Dimension and Weight
320¡Á240¡Á420 (Height¡ÁWidth¡ÁDepth), 16kg
Power Supply
Main Technical Indexes

1. Y axis collector current range (IC): 10¦ÌA/div¡«0.5A/div, 15 grades, error is not more than ¡À5%
2. Diode reverse leakage (IR): 0.2¦ÌA/div¡«5¦ÌA/div, five grades
3. IR accuracy: 2¦ÌA/div and 5¦ÌA/div, error is not more than ¡À5%; 1¦ÌA/div, error is not more than ¡À7%; 0.5¦ÌA/div, error is not more than ¡À10%; 0.2¦ÌA/div, error is not more than ¡À20%
4. X axis collector voltage range (Vce): 0.1V/div¡«50V/div, nine grades, error is not more than ¡À5%
5. Base voltage range (Vbe): 0.1V/div¡«5V/div, six grades, error is not more than ¡À5%
6. Step current range: 0.1¦ÌA/grade¡«50mA/grade, 18 grades, 1¦ÌA/grade¡«50mA/grade, error is not more than ¡À5%; 0.1¦ÌA/grade¡«0.5¦ÌA/grade, error is not more than ¡À7%
7. Step voltage range: 0.05V/grade¡«1V/grade, five grades, error is not more than ¡À5%
8. Series resistance: 10¦¸, 10k¦¸ and 0.1M¦¸, three grades, error is not more than ¡À10%
9. Correcting signal: 0.5Vp-p, error is not more than ¡À2% (commercial frequency); 1Vp-p, error is not more than ¡À2% (commercial frequency)


Main Characteristics:

1. Display various characteristic curves of semiconductor device
2. Measure static parameters of semiconductor device
3. Measure limit parameters of semiconductor device


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
Semiconductor Characteristic Graphic Instrument
Dimension and Weight
160¡Á310¡Á450 (Height¡ÁWidth¡ÁDepth), 9.5kg
Power Supply
Main Technical Indexes

1. Collector current: 10mA/div~0.2A/div (can be enlarged: ¡Á10)
2. Collector voltage: 0-500V
3. Step current: 0.5mA/grade~10mA/grade
4. Step voltage:
0.05V/grade~ 0.5V/grade


Main Characteristics:

1. Chinese menu, large-screen LCD display, and facile keyboard control
2. Digital measurement, parameter display, cursor read, automatic display of parameters of ¦Â or gm
3. Depending on built-in memory, test curve can be stored or contrasted
4. Impulse testing is safe and correct
5. Twin-pipe measurement, homopolar/heteropolar pipe pairing and display
6. With RS-232 interface, it can achieve the saving, printing, data statistics and analysis of test curves


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
Digital Storage Transistor Graphic Instrument
Dimension and Weight
215¡Á360¡Á440 (Height¡ÁWidth¡ÁDepth), 15kg
Power Supply
Main Technical Indexes

1. Collector current: (10¦ÌA¡«0.5A)/div
2. Collector voltage: 0¡«500V
3. Step current: (1¦ÌA¡«50mA)/div
4. Step voltage: (0.05¡«1.0V)/div
5. Diode reverse current: (1.0¦ÌA¡«50¦Ì)/div
6. Reverse voltage: 3000V
7. Cluster number: 0¡«10, continuously adjustable

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