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Hi-Pot Tester

YB2670A / YB2670B / YB2670C

Main Characteristics:

1. Function to distinguish the qualified and unqualified and audible and visual alarm function
2. Automatically control test time
3. Dual display of test voltage and current.


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
Hi-Pot Tester
Dimension and Weight

400¡Á190¡Á350 (Height¡ÁWidth¡ÁDepth), 17kg
Power Supply

Main Technical Indexes

1. Output voltage and precision: 0-5KV/10KV(AC)/(AC, DC)/(AC), full range error is ¡À5£¥
2. Rupturing current and precision: 0-20mA, error is ¡À10%
3. Display mode: gauge outfit display of voltage and current
4. Time: 0-99S

YB2671A / YB2671B / YB2671C

Main Characteristics:

1. Function to distinguish the qualified and unqualified and audible and visual alarm function
2. Automatically control test time
3. Dual display of test voltage and current.


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
Hi-Pot Tester
Dimension and Weight

400¡Á190¡Á350 (Height¡ÁWidth¡ÁDepth), 17kg
Power Supply

Main Technical Indexes

1. Output voltage and precision: 0-2.5KV/5KV(AC)/(AC, DC)/10KV, full range error is ¡À5£¥
2. Rupturing current and precision: 0-40mA, error is ¡À10%
3. Display mode: gauge outfit display of voltage and current
4. Time: 0-99S


Main Characteristics:

1. Function to distinguish the qualified and unqualified and audible and visual alarm function
2. Automatically control test time
3. Dual display of test voltage and current.


Main Technical Indexes:

Product Name
Hi-Pot Tester
Dimension and Weight
240¡Á320¡Á420 (Height¡ÁWidth¡ÁDepth), 22kg
Power Supply

Main Technical Indexes

1. Output voltage and precision: 0-10KV/20KV(AC/DC), full range error is ¡À3£¥
2. Rupturing current and precision: 0-20mA, error is ¡À5%
3. Display mode: gauge outfit display of voltage and current
4. Time: 0-99S

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